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Posted by oldie moldy on 19th Jul 2015
I've used this knife for some time now and I'm really impressed. Of course, it's not like any other knife you've used so you need to experiment with various ways to hold it and all. Having the left hand one, I coming to see that having the right hand one as well will increase what I can do, or make it easier anyway.
I wrap the blade in a scrap of canvas and lash it closed when in storage, can't think of anyway to make a regular sheath.
If I may, a tip to sharpen the hooked section of the blade: I use a 3/16 steel rod to hold some very fine emery paper (1200) and gently draw it through the hook. Paper that fine will give a nice polish and you can tell when the blade has been sharpened.
Just starting out, take small bites of wood, it'll be more controllable.